Ph.D., Boya Distinguished Professor

Dean, College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Peking University

Associate Director, State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of All Materials Flux in River Ecosystems

Environmental Building, No.5 the Summer Palace Road, Beijing 100871, China

Tel.: +86 (10) 62753184; E-mail:;


Professor                                                                 September 2023- present

College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Peking University

       Associate Professor                                                September 2015 - August 2023

College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Peking University

Assistant Professor (Tenure-track)                          September2009 - August 2015

College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering,Peking University

Postdoctoral Associate                                           September 2007 - August 2009

School of NaturalResources and Environment, University of Michigan


  • Ph.D. in Environmental Science, Peking University                                                          July 2007
  • B.E. in Environmental Engineering,Tsinghua University                                                  July2002
  • B.A. in Environmental Economics, Renmin University of China                                       July2002


Prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award                                                 2022

Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Supervisor, Chinese Society ofEnvironmental Sciences            2020

The First Prize of Environmental Protection Science and Technology Award                                   2019

The Second Prize of the Environmental Protection Science and TechnologyAward                         2017

Wang Xuan Outstanding Young Scholar Award                                                                                 2016

Excellent Young Scholar in Environmental Sciences, China Ministry of EnvironmentalProtection      2014

National Award for Youth in Science and Technology, China Association forScience and Technology2013

First Prize of Science and Technology Award, China Ministry of Education                                         2010


  • Vice Director: Lake and Wetland Branch (the GeographicalSociety of China)
  • Deputy Secretary General: Environmental Geology Branch (Chinese Society ofEnvironmental Science)
  • Standing Committee Member: Environmental Planning Committee of the ChineseSociety for Environmental Sciences; Lake Branch of Oceanology and LimnologySociety of China
  • Committee Member: Department of Civil Engineering, Architectureand water conservancy; Science and Technology Commission, Ministry of Education;National Professional Standardization Techniques Commission; China Committee ofthe International Association of Hydrological Sciences
  • Associate Editor: Limnology and Oceanography (2015- ); EnvironmentalSystems Research (2021- )
  • Editorial Board: Science & Technology Review(2015~), ActaScientiae Circumstantiae(2017~),  Journalof Lake Sciences(2019~),Scientia GeographicaSinica(2021~),Journal of Contaminant Hydrology(2019-)
  • Strategic Committee: State Plans for Medium and Long-Term Development of Science andTechnology (2021-2035); National "14th Five-Year Plan" for Scienceand Technology Innovation; China Sixth National Technology Forecast; The "14thFive-Year Plan" for National Eco-environmental Science and Technology; EnvironmentalScience and Engineering Discipline Development; Medium-to-Long-Term Scientificand Technological Development Strategy for the Frontier of Environmental Disciplines


  •  Lake-Watershed Interaction and Management: Simulation of key processes of nutrientproduction, transport and attenuation, Parameter valuation methods anduncertainty analysis, Water quality modeling, Benchmark targets and riskanalysis for nutrient control in water bodies, Nutrient management, Nitrogencycling to climate change.
  • Environmental planning methods: Basic theory of environmental planning, Environmentalsystem analysis, Optimization of watershed environmental planning, Comprehensivedecision-making model of environmental planning, and Inter-regionaloptimization methods

Research Grants


Project Title



Spatio-temporal heterogeneity and multi-scale optimal regulation mechanism of nitrogen and phosphorus transport processes in lake basins on the Yunnan Plateau (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 51779002)



Mechanism of POPs fate in the benthic-pelagic coupling foodweb of eutrophic lakes(2015CB458900), Young Scientist Project of the National Basic Research Program of China (973)



Multi-substance interaction and fluxes effect in rivers (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 51721006)

Core member


Study on water pollution control project evaluation and accurate pollution control system of Dianchi Basin



Key technologies and demonstration for joint scheduling of water resources to improve the water quality in Lake Dianchi Watershed (Water special project , Ministry of Environmental Protection, 2013ZX07102006)



Lake-Watershed Interaction and Management (Excellent Young Scientists Fund , National Natural Science Foundation of China , 41222002)



Phosphorus transportation in water, sediment and plant system of plateau lake riparian wetland and the retention effect quantification (National Natural Science Foundation of China, 51279001)



Integrated control technology and demonstration for Lake Dianchi Eutrophication Control (Water special project , 2008ZX07102)

Core member


Exploring the key processes and driving factorstriggering regime shift of ecosystem disaster for Lake Yilog, in Yunnan (National Natural Science Foundation of China )



Optimal Load Reduction at the watershed scale under uncertainty (Ministry of Education)



Water Pollution Control Planning of the Twelfth Five-Year –Plan Period for Lake Dianchi watershed (Ministry of Environmental Protection)

Core member


NOAA: Coastal Hypoxia Research Program (CHRP 2005) 

Core member



1.       Wu Zhen, Li Jincheng, Sun Yanxin, Penuelas Josep, Huang Jilin, SardansJordi, Jiang Qingsong , Finlay Jacques C., Britten Gregory L., Follows MichaelJ. , Gao Wei, Qin Boqiang , Ni Jinren, Huo Shouliang, Liu Yong *. 2022.Imbalance of global nutrient cycles exacerbated by the greater retention ofphosphorus over nitrogen in lakes. Nature Geoscience,15(6):464–468. (Research Briefing:Preferential phosphorusretention in lakes alters the balance of global nutrient cycles)

2.       Liu XY, Dai HC, Wada Y, Kahil T, Ni JR, Chen B, Chen Y, Guo CY, Pan C,Liu XR, Liu Y*. 2022. Achieving carbon neutrality enables China to attain itsindustrial water-use target. One Earth, 5(2): 188-200.

3.       Liu Y, Jiang QS, Sun YX, Jian YW, Zhou F*. 2021. Decline in nitrogenconcentrations of eutrophic Lake Dianchi associated with policy interventionsduring 2002–2018. Environmental Pollution, 117826

4.       Liang ZY, Xu YY, Qiu QL, Liu Y*, Lu WT*, Wagner T. 2021. A Framework toDevelop Joint Nutrient Criteria for Lake Eutrophication Management in EutrophicLakes. Journal of Hydrology, 594,125883.

5.       Ji NN, Zou R, Jiang QS, Liang ZY, Hu MC, Liu Y*, Yu YH, Wang ZY, WangHL. 2021. Internal Positive Feedback Induced by Reducing External LoadingPromotes Water Quality Improvement for a Hyper-Eutrophic Lake under Recovery.Science of the Total Environment 2021, 145505.

6.       Yang YY, Chen JF, Chen XL, Jiang QS, Liu Y, Xie SG*. 2021.Cyanobacterial bloom induces structural and functional succession of microbialcommunities in eutrophic lake sediments. Environmental Pollution, 117157.

7.       Wang, S. C., Liu X., Liu Y., & Wang H. 2021. Disentangling effectsof multiple stressors on matter flow in a lake food web. Ecology and Evolution,00, 1–13.

8.       Liang ZY, Liu Y, Xu YY*, Wagner T. 2021. Bayesian change point quantileregression approach to enhance the understanding of shiftingphytoplankton-dimethyl sulfide relationships in aquatic ecosystems, WaterResearch, 117287

9.       Chen HL, Liang QH, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Ren TY. 2020. Extraction ofConnected River Networks from Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Imagery Using aPath Tracking Technique. Remote Sensing of Environment, 246, 111868.

10.    Wu Z, Zou R, Jiang QS, Elser JJ, Zhao L, Ye R, Liu Y*. 2020. WhatMaintains Seasonal Nitrogen Limitation in Hyper-Eutrophic Lake Dianchi?Insights from Stoichiometric Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling. AquaticSciences,82:70.

11.    Dong FF, Zhang ZZ, Liu Y*, Zou R, Guo HC. 2020. Towards Efficient LowImpact Development: A Multi-Scale Simulation-Optimization Approach for NutrientRemoval at the Urban Watershed. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122295

12.    Liang ZY, Zou R*,Chen X, Ren TY, Su H, Liu Y*. 2020. Simulate theforecast capacity of a complicated water quality model using the longshort-term memory approach. Journal of Hydrology, 124432.

13.    Yang YY, Tong TL, Chen J, Liu Y*, Xie SG*.2020. Ammonium Impacts MethaneOxidation and Methanotrophic Community in Freshwater Sediment. Frontiers inBioengineering and Biotechnology,8:250.

14.    Yang YY, Chen JF, Tong TL, Xie SG, Liu Y*. 2020. Influences ofeutrophication on methanogenesis pathways and methanogenic microbial communitystructures in freshwater lakes. Environmental Pollution, 114106.

15.    Liang ZY, Dong FF, Qian SS, Liu Y*, Chen HL, Lu WT. 2020. Ecoregional orSite-specific Lake Nutrient Criteria? Evidence from Ecological Fallacy.Ecological Indicators,105989.

16.    Zhang LL*, Qin S*, Li SJ, Cui JS, Liu Y. Bioaccumulation, trophictransfer, and human health risk of quinolones antibiotics in the benthic foodweb from a macrophyte-dominated shallow lake, North China. Science of The TotalEnvironment,712,136557.

17.    Wang SR, Liu XQ*, Liu Y, Wang HZ. 2020. Benthic-pelagic coupling in lakeenergetic food webs. Ecological Modelling, 417, 108928.

18.    Liu Y, Tong TL, Li BX, Xie SG*. 2019. Dynamics of bacterial communitiesin a river water treatment wetland. Annals of Microbiology,  69(6):637-645.

19.    Wu SF, Liang ZY, Liu Y*.2019. Resilience indicator for ecosystemssubject to high risk of irreversible degradation: a probabilistic method basedon Bayesian inference. Ecological Indicators,107,105621.

20.    Chen HL, Liang QH, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Xie SG. 2019. Remote-SensingDisturbance Detection Index to Identify Spatio-Temporal Varying Flood Impact onCrop Production. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 269–270:180–191.

21.    Wu SF, Wu Z, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Wang YL. 2019. Denitrification and thecontrolling factors in Yunnan Plateau Lakes (China): Exploring the role ofenhanced internal nitrogen cycling by algal blooms. Journal of EnvironmentalSciences, 76, :349-358.

22.    Liang ZY, Qian SS, Wu SF, Chen YL, Liu Y*, Yu YH, YX. 2019. UsingBayesian change point model to enhance understanding of the shiftingnutrients-phytoplankton relationship. Ecological Modelling,393, 1:120-126.

23.    Liang ZY, Liu Y*,Chen HL, Ji Y. 2019. Is Ecoregional Scale PreciseEnough for Lake Nutrient Criteria? Insights from a Novel Relationship-basedClustering Approach. Ecological Indicators,97:341-349.

24.    Yang YY, Chen JF, Tong TL, Li BQ, He T, Liu Y,Xie SG*.2019.Eutrophication influences methanotrophic activity, abundance and communitystructure in freshwater lakes. Science of The Total Environment, 662: 863-872.

25.    Zou R, Wu Z, Zhao L, Elser JJ, Yu YH, Chen YH, Liu Y* .2020. SeasonalAlgal Blooms Support Sediment Release of Phosphorus via Positive Feedback in aEutrophic Lake: Insights from a Nutrient Flux Tracking Modeling. EcologicalModelling,416:108881

26.    Dong FF, Liu Y*. Wu Z, Chen YH, Guo HC. 2018. Identification ofWatershed Priority Management Areas Under Water Quality Constraints: ASimulation-Optimization Approach with Ideal Load Reduction. Journal of Hydrology,562: 577-588.

27.    Liang ZY, Chen HL, Wu SF, Yu YH, Liu Y*. 2018. Exploring Dynamics of theChlorophyll a-Total Phosphorus Relationship at the Lake-Specific Scale: ABayesian Hierarchical Model. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, DOI: 10.1007/s11270-017-3678-9.

28.    Liang ZY, Wu SF, Chen HL, Yu YH, Liu Y*. 2018. A probabilistic method toenhance understanding of nutrient limitation dynamics of phytoplankton.Ecological Modelling, 368: 404–410.

29.    Chen HL, Liang QH, Liu Y*, Xie SG. 2018. Hydraulic Correction Method(HCM) to Enhance the Efficiency of SRTM DEM in Flood Modeling. Journal ofHydrology, 559:56–70.

30.    Li BX, Chen JF, Wu Z, Wu SF, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2018. Seasonal and spatialdynamics of denitrification rate and denitrifier community in constructedwetland treating polluted river water. International Biodeterioration &Biodegradation, 126: 143-151.

31.    Wang SR, LIu XQ*, Liu Y*, Wang HZ. 2018. Contrasting patterns ofmacroinvertebrates inshore vs. offshore in a plateau eutrophic lake:Implications for lake management. Limnologica,70:10–19.

32.    Chen HL, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Xie SG. 2018.Effects of Drought and Flood onCrop Production in China across 1949-2015: Spatial Heterogeneity Analysis withBayesian Hierarchical Modeling. Natural Hazards, 92(1), 525-541.

33.    Li BX, Yang YY,Chen JF, Wu Z, Xie SG*, Liu Y. 2018. Nitrifying activityand ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in a constructed wetland treating pollutedsurface water. Science of the Total Environment, 628–629:310–318.

34.    Wu Z,Liu Y*, Liang ZY, Wu SF, Guo HC. 2017. Internal Cycling, notExternal Loading, Decides the Nutrient Limitation in Eutrophic Lake: A DynamicModel with Temporal Bayesian Hierarchical Inference. Water Research, 116:231-240.

35.    Chen HL, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Liang QH, Xie SG. 2017.Integrated RemoteSensing Imagery and Two-dimensional Hydraulic Modeling Approach for ImpactEvaluation of Flood on Crop Yields. Journal of Hydrology,553: 262-275.

36.    Yang YY, Li BX, Xie SG*, Liu Y*.2017. Vertical profiles of sedimentmethanogenic potential and communities in two plateau freshwater lakes,Biogeosciences, 14(2): 341-351.

37.    Su H, Dong FF, Liu Y*, Zou R*, Guo HC. 2017. Robustness-OptimalityTradeoff for Watershed Load Reduction Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty.Water Resources Management, 31(11), 3627-3640.

38.    Wang Z*, Wei LY, Niu BB, Liu Y, Bin GS. 2017.Controlling embedded carbonemissions of sectors along the supply chains: A perspective of thepower-of-pull approach. Applied Energy,206:544-1551.

39.    Fan SR, Wang BL, Liu H, Gao SX, Li T, Wang SR, Liu Y, Liu XQ, Wan Y*.2017. Trophodynamics of Organic Pollutants in Pelagic and Benthic Food Webs ofLake Dianchi: Importance of Ingested Sediment As Uptake Route. EnvironmentalScience & Technology,51 (24):14135-14143.

40.    Li BX, Chen HL, Li NN, Wu Z, Wen ZG, Xie SG*,Liu Y*.2017.Spatio-temporal shifts in the archaeal community of a constructed wetlandtreating river water. Science of the Total Environment, 605–606:269–275.

41.    Jiang QS, Su H, Liu Y*,Zou R, Ye R, Guo HC. 2017. Parameter uncertainty-basedpattern identification and optimization for robust decision making on watershedload reduction. Journal of Hydrology, 547:708–717.

42.    Yang YY, Dai Y, Li NN, Li BX, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2017. Temporal andSpatial Dynamics of Sediment Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) Bacteria inFreshwater Lakes. Microbial Ecology, 73(2):285-295.

43.    Liu XJ, Zhang MJ, Su H, Dong FF, Ji Y*, Liu Y. 2017. A Multi-ObjectiveChance-Constrained Programming Approach for Uncertainty-Based Optimal NutrientsLoad Reduction at the Watershed Scale. Water, 9(5), 322; doi:10.3390/w9050322.

44.    Dong FF, Liu Y*, Su H, Liang ZY, Zou R, Guo HC. 2016. Uncertainty-basedMulti-objective Decision Making with Hierarchical Reliability Analysis underWater Resources and Environmental Constraints. Water Resouce Management,30(2):805-822.

45.    Dai Y, Yang YY, Wu Z, Feng QY, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2016. Spatiotemporalvariation of planktonic and sediment bacterial assemblages in two plateaufreshwater lakes at different trophic status. Applied Microbiology andBiotechnology, 100(9): 4161-4175.

46.    Zhang XL, Liu Y* , Guo HC. 2016. Cross-Lake Comparisons of Physical andBiological Settling of Phosphorus: A Phosphorus Budget Model with BayesianHierarchical Approach. Ecological Modelling, 337(10):231–240.

47.    Dai C, Tan Q, Lu WT, Liu Y, Guo HC*. 2016. Identification of optimalwater transfer schemes for restoration of a eutrophic lake: An integratedsimulation-optimization method. Ecological Engineering, 95: 409–421.

48.    Zhang XL(#), Zou R(#), Wang YL, Liu Y*, Zhao L, Zhu X, Guo HC. 2016. IsWater Age a Reliable Indicator for Evaluating Water Quality Effectiveness ofWater Diversion Projects in Eutrophic Lakes?Journal of Hydrology , 542:281-291.

49.    Yang PJ, Dong FF, Liu Y, Zou R*, Chen X, Guo HC. 2016. A refined riskexplicit interval linear programming approach for optimal watershed loadreduction with objective-constraint uncertainty tradeoff analysis. Frontiers ofEnvironmental Science & Engineering, 10(1):129-140.

50.    Yang YY, Zhang JX, Zhao Q, Zhou Q, Li NN, Wang YL, Xie SG*, Liu Y*.2016. Sediment Ammonia-Oxidizing Microorganisms in Two Plateau Freshwater Lakesat Different Trophic States. Microbial Ecology, 71:257–265.

51.    Yang YY, Dai Y, Wu Z, Xie SG* and Liu Y*. 2016. Temporal and SpatialDynamics of Archaeal Communities in Two Freshwater Lakes at Different TrophicStatus. Front. Microbiol. 7:451. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00451

52.    Zhou J, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Guo HC,He D, Zhao L. 2015. Six-decade temporalchange and seasonal decomposition of climate variables in Lake DianchiWatershed (China): Stable trend or abrupt shift? Theoretical and AppliedClimatology, 119:181–191.

53.    Dong FF, Liu Y*, Su H, Zou R, Guo HC. 2015. Reliability-OrientedMultiObjective Optimal Decision Making Approach for Uncertainty Based WatershedLoad Reduction. Science of the Total Environment , 515-516:39-48.

54.    Gao W, Chen Y, Liu Y, Guo HC*. 2015.Scientometric analysis of phosphorusresearch in eutrophic lakes.Scientometrics, 102(3):1951-1964.

55.    Liu Y, Zhang JX, Zhao L, Li YZ, Dai Y, Xie SG*. 2015. Distribution ofsediment ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in plateau freshwater lakes. AppliedMicrobiology and Biotechnology, 99:4435–4444.

56.    Dai C, Cai YP, Liu Y, Wang WJ,Guo HC*. 2015.A Generalized Interval FuzzyChance-Constrained Programming Method for Domestic Wastewater Management UnderUncertainty – A Case Study of Kunming, China. Water Resources Management,29(9):3015-3036.

57.    Dai Y,Wu Z, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2015. Methanotrophic community abundanceand composition in plateau soils with different plant species and plantationways.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99:9237-9244.

58.    Zhang JX, Yang YY, Zhao L, Li YZ, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2015.Distribution ofsediment bacterial and archaeal communities in plateau freshwater lakes.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99:3291–3302.

59.    Zhou J, He D, Xie YF, Liu Y*, Guo HC, Yang YH, Sheng H, Zhao L, Zou R*.2015. Integrated SWAT model and Statistical Downscaling for EstimatingStreamflow Response to Climate Change in the Lake Dianchi Watershed,China.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 29(4):1193-1210.

60.    Gao, W, Guo HC*, Liu Y. 2015. Impact of Calibration Objective onHydrological Model Performance in Ungauged Watersheds. Journal of HydrologicEngineering, 20(8): 04014086.

61.    Yang YY, Zhao Q, Cui YH, Wang YL, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2015. Spatio-temporalVariation of Sediment Methanotrophic Microorganisms in a Large Eutrophic Lake.Microbial Ecology, DOI:10.1007/s00248-015-0667-7.

62.    Liu H, Benoit G, Liu T*, Liu Y, Guo HC*. 2015.An integrated systemdynamics model developed for managing lake water quality at the watershedscale.Journal of Environmental Management, 155: 11–23.

63.    Li YZ, Liu Y*, Zhao L, Hastings A*, Guo HC. 2015. Exploring Change ofInternal Nutrients Cycling in a Shallow Lake: A Dynamic Nutrient DrivenPhytoplankton Model. Ecological Modelling, 2015, 313: 137–148.

64.    Zou R*, Riverson J, Liu Y*, MurphyR, Sim Y. 2015. Enhanced NonlinearityInterval Mapping Scheme for High Performance Simulation-Optimization ofWatershed-Scale BMP Placement. Water Resources Research, 51(3): 1831–1845.

65.    Gao W, Swaney DP, Hong B, Howarth RW, Liu Y, Guo HC*. 2015. Evaluatinganthropogenic N inputs to diverse lake basins: A case study of three Chineselakes. AMBIO, 44(7):635-46.

66.    Zhang JX, Dai Y, Wang YL, Wu Z, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2015. Distribution ofammonia-oxidizing archaea and bacteria in plateau soils across different landuse types. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99:6899–6909.

67.    Li JL, Zheng BH*, Liu Y, Wu Z, Liu F, Shao JB, Hu Xp. 2015.Classification of estuaries in China based on eutrophication susceptibility tonutrient load. Science China Earth Sciences, 58(6):949-961.

68.    Dai Y, Wu Z, Zhou Q, Zhao Q, Li NN, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2015. Activity,abundance and structure of ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in plateau soils.Research in Microbiology, 166: 655-663.

69.    Dai C, Cai YP, Liu Y, Wang WJ, Guo HC*.2015.A Generalized Interval FuzzyChance-Constrained Programming Method for Domestic Wastewater Management UnderUncertainty-A Case Study of Kunming, China. Water Resources Management, 29(9):3015-3036.

70.    Liu Y, Zhang JX, Zhao L, Li YZ, Yang YY, Xie SG*. 2015. Aerobic andnitrite-dependent methane-oxidizing microorganisms in sediments of freshwaterlakes on the Yunnan Plateau. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,99(5):2371-2381.

71.    Zhou J, Liu Y*, Guo H C, He D. 2014.Combining the SWAT model withsequential uncertainty fitting algorithm for streamflow prediction anduncertainty analysis for the Lake Dianchi Basin, China. Hydrological Processes,28(3):521–533.

72.    Liu Y, Wang YL, Sheng H, Dong FF, Zou R*, Zhao L, Guo HC, Zhu X, He B.2014.Quantitative Evaluation of Lake Eutrophication Responses under AlternativeWater Diversion Scenarios: A Water Quality Modeling Based Statistical AnalysisApproach. Science of the Total Environment, 468–469: 219–227.

73.    Wang Z, Yang YY, Sun W, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2014. Nonylphenolbiodegradation in river sediment and associated shifts in community structuresof bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms. Ecotoxicology andEnvironmental Safety, 106:1-5.

74.    Liu Y, Zhang JX, Zhang XL, Xie SG*. 2014. Depth-related changes ofsediment ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in a high-altitude freshwaterwetland. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98:5697–5707.

75.    Wang Z, Zou R, Zhu X, He B, Yuan G, Zhao L, Liu Y*. 2014. Predictinglake water quality responses to load reduction: A three-dimensional modelingapproach for total maximum daily load. International Journal of EnvironmentalScience and Technology, 11(2):423-436.

76.    Liu Y, Zhang JX, Zhang XL, Xie SG*. 2014. Spatial change of bacterialcommunity in high-altitude freshwater wetland sediment. Limnology, 15:249–256.

77.    Zhang JX, Zhang XL, Liu Y*, Xie SG*, Liu YG.2014. Bacterioplanktoncommunities in a high-altitude freshwater wetland. Annals of Microbiology,  64:1405–1411.

78.    Zou R, Zhang XL, Liu Y*, Chen X, Zhao L, He B, Guo HC. 2014.Uncertainty-based Analysis on Water Quality Response to Water Diversions forLake Chenghai: A Multiple-Pattern Inverse Modeling Approach. Journal ofHydrology, 514: 1-14.

79.    Yang YY, Shan JW, Zhang JX, Zhang XL, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2014. Ammonia-and methane-oxidizing microorganisms in high-altitude wetland sediments andadjacent agricultural soils. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98:10197–10209.

80.    Dong FF, Liu Y*, Qian L, Sheng H, Yang YH, Guo HC, Zhao L. 2014.Interactive Decision Procedure for Watershed Nutrient Load Reduction: AnIntegrated Chance-Constrained Programming Model with Risk–Cost Tradeoff.Environmental Modelling & Software, 61: 166-173.

81.    Liu Y, Wang Z*, Guo H C, Yu S X, Sheng H. 2013. Modelling the effect ofweather conditions on Cyanobacterial bloom outbreaks in Lake Dianchi: A roughdecision-adjusted logistic regression model. Environmental Modeling andAssessment,18(2): 199-207.

82.    Yang P J, He G, Mao G Z, Liu Y, Xu M Z, Guo H C*, Liu X. 2013.Sustainability needs and practices assessment in the building industry ofChina. Energy Policy, 57: 212-220.

83.    Zhao L, Li Y Z, Zou R*, He B, Zhu X, Liu Y*, Wang J S, Zhu Y G. 2013. Athree-dimensional water quality modeling approach for exploring theeutrophication responses to load reduction scenarios in Lake Yilong (China).Environmental Pollution, 177: 13–21.

84.    Zhang X L, Huang K*, Zou R, Liu Y, Yu Y J. 2013. A Risk ExplicitInterval Linear Programming Model for Uncertainty-Based Environmental EconomicOptimization in the Lake Fuxian Watershed, China. The Scientific World Journal,ID 824078, DOI: 10.1155/2013/824078.

85.    Zhao L, Zhang X L, Liu Y, He B, Zhu X, Zou R, Zhu Y G. 2012.Three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model for TMDL development ofLake Fuxian, China. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 24(8): 1355-1363.

86.    Sheng H, Liu H, Wang C Y, Guo H C*, Liu Y, Yang Y H. 2012. Analysis ofcyanobacteria bloom in the Waihai part of Dianchi Lake, China. EcologicalInformatics, 10: 37–48.

87.    Liu Y*, Arhonditsis G B, Stow A C, Scavia D. 2011. Predicting theHypoxic-Volume in Chesapeake Bay with the Streeter-Phelps Model: A BayesianApproach. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 47(6):1348–1363.

88.    Liu Y*, Zou R, Guo H C. 2011. A Risk Explicit Interval LinearProgramming Model for Uncertainty-Based Nutrient-Reduction Optimization for theLake Qionghai Watershed. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management-ASCE, 137(1): 83-91.

89.    Liu Y, Zou R*, Riverson J, Yang P J, Guo H C. 2011. Guided adaptiveoptimal decision making approach for uncertainty based watershed scale loadreduction. Water Research, 45(16): 4885-4895.

90.    Liu Y, Evans M A, Scavia D. 2010. Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia: ExploringIncreasing Sensitivity to Nitrogen Loads. Environmental Science and Technology,44 (15), 5836–5841.

91.    Liu Y, Guo H C*, Yang P J. 2010. Exploring the influence of lake waterchemistry on Chlorophyll-A: A multivariable statistical model analysis.Ecological Modelling, 221(4):681-688.

92.    Liu Y, Scavia D*. 2010. Analysis of the Chesapeake Bay Hypoxia RegimeShift: Insights from Two Simple Mechanistic Models. Estuaries and Coasts,33:629–639.

93.    Liu Y, Yu Y J, Guo H C*, Yang P J. 2009. Optimal land-use management forsource water protection under uncertainty: A case study of Songhuaba Watershed(Southwestern China). Water Resources Management, 23(10): 2069-2083.

94.    Liu Y, Zhou F, Yu Y J, Guo H C*, Zou Y F. 2009. Biotic IntegrityAssessment and its implications for Fish Conservation. Water EnvironmentJournal, 23(3): 189 - 199.

95.    Liu Y, Guo H C, Mao G Z, Yang P J. 2008. A Bayesian hierarchical modelfor urban air quality prediction under uncertainty. Atmospheric Environment,42(36): 8464-8469.

96.    Liu Y, Guo H C, Yu Y J, Dai Y L, Zhou F. 2008. Ecological–economicmodeling as a tool for lake–watershed management: A case study of Lake QionghaiWatershed, China. Limnogica, 89–104.

97.    Liu Y, Guo H C, Zhou F, Qin X S, Huang K, Yu Y J. 2008. An inexactchance-constrained linear programming model for optimal water pollutionmanagement at the watershed scale. Journal of Water Resources Planning andManagement- ASCE, 134(4): 347-356.

98.    Liu Y, Yang P J, Hu C, Guo H C. 2008. Water quality modeling for loadreduction under uncertainty: A Bayesian approach. Water Research, 42(13):3305-14.

99.    Liu Y, Guo H C, Yu Y J, Huang K, Wang Z. 2007. Sediment chemistry andthe variation of three altiplano lakes to recent anthropogenic impacts insouth-western China. Water SA, 33(2): 305-310.

100.Liu Y, Guo H C, Zhang Z X, Wang L J, Dai Y L,Fan Y Y. 2007. An optimization method based on scenario analyses for watershedmanagement under uncertainty. Environmental Management, 39(5):678-690.

101.Liu Y, Lv X J, Qin X S, Guo H C, Yu Y J, Mao GZ. 2007. An integrated GIS-based analysis system for land-use management oflake areas in urban fringe. Landscape and Urban Planning, 82(4): 233-246.

102.Liu Y, Qin X S, Guo H C, Zhou F, Lv X J. 2007.ICCLP: An inexact chance-constrained linear programming model for land-usemanagement of lake areas in urban fringes. Environmental Management, 40(6):966–980.

103.Liu Y, Guo H C, Zou R, Wang L J. 2006. Neuralnetwork modeling for regional hazard assessment of debris flow in Lake QionghaiWatershed, China. Environmental Geology, 49: 968–976.

104.Liu Y, Guo H C, Wang L J, Dai Y L, Zhang X M, LiZ H, He B. 2006. Dynamic phosphorus budget for lake-watershed ecosystems.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 18(3): 596-603.

105.Zou R, Liu Y*, Riverson J, Parker A. 2010. Anonlinearity-interval mapping scheme for efficient waste load allocationsimulation-optimization analysis. Water Resource Research, W08530.

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BOOK chapters

1. Liu Y, Li Y Z, Wu Z, Wu SF. 2020. Driving Mechanism of the Evolution of Lake Ecosystem Stability.Beijing: Science Press. (in Chinese)

2. Guo H C, Shang J C, Zhang T Z, LiuY. 2021. Environmental Planning (3rd edition) Beijing: Higher EducationPress. (in Chinese).

3. Chen L, Liu Y, Jia H F.2021. Water Environment. Beijing: Beijing Normal University Press. (in Chinese).

4. Liang Z Y, Liu Y. 2019. WaterQuality Management and the Risks for Lakes. Beijing: Science Press. (inChinese).

5. Zhang L L, Liu J L, Liu Y,Cui J S, Li Z X. 2018. Evaluation of Ecosystem Health and Ecological Risk ofTypical Pollutants in Lake Baiyangdian: A Benthic-Planktonic Coupled Food Web Modeling.Beijing: China Environment Publishing Group. (in Chinese).

6. Guo H C, He B, Song L R, Duan C Q, Xu X M, Luo Y, Liu Y. 2017. Water Pollution Managementand Eutrophication Control Technology in Lake Dianchi Basin. Beijing: China EnvironmentPress (in Chinese).

7. Guo H C, Liu Yong. 2015. EnvironmentalScience (3rd edition). Beijing: China Environment Press, (in Chinese).

8. Liu Y, Zou R, Guo H C.2012. Intelligent Watershed Management. Beijing: Science Press (in Chinese).

9.Liu Y, Guo H C. 2008. Lake-Watershed Ecosystem Management.Beijing: Science Press. (in Chinese).

10. Guo H C, Liu Y, He B.2007. Case of Watershed Environmental Planning.Beijing: Peking university press (in Chinese).

11.Zou R, Li YZ, Zhao L, Liu Y*.2014. Exploring the Mechanism of Catastrophic Regime Shift in a Shallow PlateauLake. In: ‪Sven Erik Jørgensen, ‪Ni-Bin Chang, ‪Fu-Liu Xu (Ed.) Ecological Modelling andEngineering of Lakes and Wetlands. Elsevier, Amsterdam.

12. Liu Y, Guo H C. 2009. ABayesian Approach for Parameter and Load Estimation in River Water QualityModeling under Uncertainty. In: Grady Hanrahan (Ed.) Modelling of Pollutants inComplex Environmental Systems-Volume II. ILM publications, UK.