由云南省环境科学研究院、美国Tetra Tech, Inc和本小组联合完成的论文A Three-Dimensional Water Quality Modeling Approachfor Exploring the Eutrophication Responses to LoadReduction Scenarios in Lake Yilong (China)近日被Environmental Pollution接受。
LakeYilong in Southwestern China has been under serious eutrophication threatduring the past decades; however, the lake water remained clear until suddensharp increase in Chlorophyll a (Chl a) and turbidity in 2009 without apparentchange in external loading levels. To investigate the causes as well asexamining the underlying mechanism, a three-dimensional hydrodynamic and waterquality model was developed, simulating the flow circulation, pollutant fateand transport, and the interactions between nutrients, phytoplankton and macrophytes.The calibrated and validated model was used to conduct three sets of scenariosfor understanding the water quality responses to various load reductionintensities and ecological restoration measures. The results showed that (a)even if the nutrient loads is reduced by as much as 77%, the Chl aconcentration decreased only by50%; and (b) aquatic vegetation has stronginteraction with phytoplankton, therefore requiring combined watershed andin-lake management for lake restoration.