- Li JC, Sun YX, Qin Y, Tang T, Kahil T, Burek P, Zhao G, Cai KK, Jiang QS, Liu Y*. Uncovering the spatial characteristics of global net anthropogenic nitrogen input at high resolution and across 1.42 million lake basins. Science of The Total Environment, 953: 176143.
- Sun YX, Jiang QS, Zou R, Ma WJ, Hu MC, Chen YH, Liu Y*. 2024. Exploring Nonlinear Responses of Lake Nutrients and Algal Blooms to Restoration Measures: A Three-Dimensional Flux Network Modelling Approach. Journal of Hydrology, 631: 130723.
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- Zhang HX, Zheng JN, Wang R, Liu Y, Gao Y, Wu FC, Huo SL*. 2024. Response of lake phytoplankton to climate oscillation on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Evidence from a 1400-year-old sedimentary archive. Science Bulletin, DOI: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.02.022.
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- 付佳兴, 李金城, 蔡开奎, 刘永*. 2024. 中国市域尺度人为净氮磷输入及其空间异质性分析. 地理科学:1-10.
- 彭栓,刘永,毛国柱,邓乂寰,张功良,阳平坚.2024.中国污水处理行业温室气体减排关键问题及对策. 环境科学,
- Jiang QS, Li JC, Sun YX, Hang JL, Zou R, Ma WJ, Guo HC, Wang ZY, Liu Y*. 2023. Deep-reinforcement-learning-based water diversion strategy. Environmental Science and Ecotechnology , 100298.
- Li JC, Hu MC, Ma WJ, Liu Y, Dong FF*, Zou R,Chen YH. 2023. Optimization and multi-uncertainty analysis of best management practices at the watershed scale: A reliability-level based bayesian networkapproach. Journal of Environmental Management, 313:117280.
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- Ma CZ, Zhang HX, Huo SL*, Li WP, Liu Y, Xiao Z, Xu YF, Wu FC. 2023. Improving the Estimation of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Concentrations in Lakes and Reservoirs Using a Stacked Approach. Earth's Future, 11(3), e2022EF003013.
- 苏晗,邹锐,梁中耀,叶瑞,王志芸,刘永*. 2023. 基于数值模拟的负荷削减–水体水质响应的非线性强度指标. 北京大学学报(自然科学版) ,59(4):695-703.
- Wu Zhen, Li Jincheng, Sun Yanxin, Penuelas Josep, Huang Jilin, Sardans Jordi, Jiang Qingsong , Finlay Jacques C., Britten Gregory L., Follows Michael J. , Gao Wei, Qin Boqiang , Ni Jinren, Huo Shouliang, Liu Yong *. 2022. Imbalance of global nutrient cycles exacerbated by the greater retention of phosphorus over nitrogen in lakes. Nature Geoscience,15(6):464–468. (Research Briefing:Preferential phosphorus retention in lakes alters the balance of global nutrient cycles)
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- Ji NN, Liu Y*, Wang SR*, Wu ZH, Li H. 2022. Buffering effect of suspended particulate matter on phosphorus cycling during transport from rivers to lakes. Water Research, 216:118350.
- Liu Y, Dong FF, Niu J. 2022. A Process-guided Hybrid Bayesian Belief Network to Bridge Watershed Modeling and BMP Planning. Journal of Hydrology, 128620.
- Jiang QS, Sun YX, Chuo MY, Dong FF*, Ji NN, Ji XY, Li JC, Wang ZY, Liu Y*. Global Meta-analysis of Evolution Patterns for Lake Topics over Centurial Scale: A Natural Language Understanding-Based Deep Clustering Approach with 130,000 Studies. Journal of Hydrology, 128597.
- Li JC, Jiang QS, Cai KK, Fu JX, Liu Y*, Chen DN, Liu XY, Dai HC, Chen YH, Chen Y*. 2022. Uncovering the spatially uneven synergistic effects of China's enterprise-level industrial water pollutants reduction. Resources, Conservation & Recycling, 106811.
- Dong FF, Li JC, Dai C, Niu J, Chen Y*, Huang JC, Liu Y*. 2022. Understanding Robustness in Multiscale Nutrient Abatement: Probabilistic Simulation-optimization Using Bayesian Network Emulators. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134394.
- Wang WZ, Chen L*, Liu C, Liu Y, Dong X, Xiong JF, Liu GC, Zhang YH, LiJQ, Shen ZY. 2022. Source appointment at large-scale and ungauged catchment using physically-based model and dynamic export coefficient. Journal of Environmental Management, 326,116842.
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- Cheng GW, Liu Y, Chen Y, Gao W*. 2022. Spatiotemporal variation and hotspots of climate change in the Yangtze River Watershed during 1958–2017. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 32: 141–155.
- Wang WZ, Chen L*, LIn V, Liu Y, Dong X, Xiong JF, Liu GC, Zhang YH, Li JQ, Shen ZY*. 2022. An integrated source apportionment method by incorporating spatial location information and source-transfer-sink simulation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134741.
- Yi X, Zou R, Liao XW*, Guo HC, Liu Y. 2022. Too ill to cure? – An uncertainty-based probabilistic model assessment on one of China’s most eutrophic lakes. Journal of Environmental Management, 328, 116916.
- 季宁宁, 刘永, 王圣瑞*. 2022. 洱海悬浮颗粒物和表层沉积物有机碳氮同位素来源特征及水质指示意义. 湖泊科学, 34(1): 118-133.
- Zhao L*, Cheng SH, Sun YX, Zou R, Ma WJ, Zhou QC, Liu Y. 2021. Thermal mixing of Lake Erhai (Southwest China) induced by bottom heat transfer: Evidence based on observations and CE-QUAL-W2 model simulations. Journal of Hydrology, 603, 126973.
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- Liang ZY, Xu YY, Qiu QL, Liu Y*, Lu WT*, Wagner T. 2021. A Framework to Develop Joint Nutrient Criteria for Lake Eutrophication Management in Eutrophic Lakes. Journal of Hydrology, 594,125883.
- Ji NN, Zou R, Jiang QS, Liang ZY, Hu MC, Liu Y*, Yu YH, Wang ZY, Wang HL. 2021. Internal Positive Feedback Induced by Reducing External Loading Promotes Water Quality Improvement for a Hyper-Eutrophic Lake under Recovery. Science of the Total Environment 2021, 145505.
- Yang YY, Chen JF, Chen XL, Jiang QS, Liu Y, Xie SG*. 2021. Cyanobacterial bloom induces structural and functional succession of microbial communities in eutrophic lake sediments. Environmental Pollution, 117157.
- Wang, S. C., Liu X., Liu Y., & Wang H. 2021. Disentangling effects of multiple stressors on matter flow in a lake food web. Ecology and Evolution, 00, 1–13.
- Liang ZY, Liu Y, Xu YY*, Wagner T. 2021. Bayesian change point quantile regression approach to enhance the understanding of shifting phytoplankton-dimethyl sulfide relationships in aquatic ecosystems, Water Research, 117287
- Liu Y, Jiang QS, Sun YX, Jian YW, Zhou F*. 2021. Decline in nitrogen concentrations of eutrophic Lake Dianchi associated with policy interventions during 2002–2018. Environmental Pollution, 117826
- 刘永,蒋青松,梁中耀,吴桢,刘晓钰,冯秋园,邹锐,郭怀成. 2021. 湖泊富营养化响应与流域优化调控决策的模型研究进展.湖泊科学,33(1):49-63.
- Chen HL, Liang QH, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Ren TY. 2020. Extraction of Connected River Networks from Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Imagery Using a Path Tracking Technique. Remote Sensing of Environment, 246, 111868.
- Wu Z, Zou R, Jiang QS, Elser JJ, Zhao L, Ye R, Liu Y*. 2020. What Maintains Seasonal Nitrogen Limitation in Hyper-Eutrophic Lake Dianchi? Insights from Stoichiometric Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling. Aquatic Sciences,82:70.
- Dong FF, Zhang ZZ, Liu Y*, Zou R, Guo HC. 2020. Towards Efficient Low Impact Development: A Multi-Scale Simulation-Optimization Approach for Nutrient Removal at the Urban Watershed. Journal of Cleaner Production, 122295
- Liang ZY, Zou R*,Chen X, Ren TY, Su H, Liu Y*. 2020. Simulate the forecast capacity of a complicated water quality model using the long short-term memory approach. Journal of Hydrology, 124432.
- Yang YY, Tong TL, Chen J, Liu Y*, Xie SG*.2020. Ammonium Impacts Methane Oxidation and Methanotrophic Community in Freshwater Sediment. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,8:250.
- Yang YY, Chen JF, Tong TL, Xie SG, Liu Y*. 2020. Influences of eutrophication on methanogenesis pathways and methanogenic microbial community structures in freshwater lakes. Environmental Pollution, 114106.
- Liang ZY, Dong FF, Qian SS, Liu Y*, Chen HL, Lu WT. 2020. Ecoregional or Site-specific Lake Nutrient Criteria? Evidence from Ecological Fallacy. Ecological Indicators,105989.
- Zhang LL*, Qin S*, Li SJ, Cui JS, Liu Y. Bioaccumulation, trophic transfer, and human health risk of quinolones antibiotics in the benthic food web from a macrophyte-dominated shallow lake, North China. Science of The Total Environment,712,136557.
- Wang SR, Liu XQ*, Liu Y, Wang HZ. 2020. Benthic-pelagic coupling in lake energetic food webs. Ecological Modelling, 417, 108928.
- 冯秋园, 王殊然, 刘学勤, 刘永*. 2020. 滇池浮游植物群落结构的时空变化及与环境因子的关系. 北京大学学报(自然科学版),56(1): 184-192.
- 黄吉霖,蒋青松,朱滔,曾嵘,赵磊,刘永*.2020.基于局部回归的城市特征降雨研究.中国给水排水(接受)
- Liu Y, Tong TL, Li BX, Xie SG*. 2019. Dynamics of bacterial communities in a river water treatment wetland. Annals of Microbiology, 69(6):637-645.
- Liu Y*, Wu SF. 2019. Resilience indicator for ecosystems subject to high risk of irreversible degradation: a probabilistic method based on Bayesian inference. Ecological Indicators,107,105621.
- Chen HL, Liang QH, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Xie SG. 2019. Remote-Sensing Disturbance Detection Index to Identify Spatio-Temporal Varying Flood Impact on Crop Production. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 269–270:180–191.
- Wu SF, Wu Z, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Wang YL. 2019. Denitrification and the controlling factors in Yunnan Plateau Lakes (China): Exploring the role of enhanced internal nitrogen cycling by algal blooms. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 76, :349-358.
- Liang ZY, Qian SS, Wu SF, Chen YL, Liu Y*, Yu YH, YX. 2019. Using Bayesian change point model to enhance understanding of the shifting nutrients-phytoplankton relationship. Ecological Modelling,393, 1:120-126.
- Liang ZY, Liu Y*,Chen HL, Ji Y. 2019. Is Ecoregional Scale Precise Enough for Lake Nutrient Criteria? Insights from a Novel Relationship-based Clustering Approach. Ecological Indicators,97:341-349.
- Yang YY, Chen JF, Tong TL, Li BQ, He T, Liu Y,Xie SG*.2019. Eutrophication influences methanotrophic activity, abundance and community structure in freshwater lakes. Science of The Total Environment, 662: 863-872.
- Zou R, Wu Z, Zhao L, Elser JJ, Yu YH, Chen YH, Liu Y* .2020. Seasonal Algal Blooms Support Sediment Release of Phosphorus via Positive Feedback in a Eutrophic Lake: Insights from a Nutrient Flux Tracking Modeling. Ecological Modelling,416:108881
- 任婷玉,梁中耀,陈会丽,刘永*.2019. 基于模式识别方法的湖泊水质污染特征聚类研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版),55(2):335-341.
- 任婷玉,梁中耀,刘永,邹锐*. 2019. 基于贝叶斯优化的三维水动力-水质模型参数估值方法. 环境科学学报, 39(6): 2024-2032.
- Dong FF, Liu Y*. Wu Z, Chen YH, Guo HC. 2018. Identification of Watershed Priority Management Areas Under Water Quality Constraints: A Simulation-Optimization Approach with Ideal Load Reduction. Journal of Hydrology, 562: 577-588.
- Liang ZY,Chen HL,Wu SF,Yu YH, Liu Y*. 2018. Exploring Dynamics of the Chlorophyll a-Total Phosphorus Relationship at the Lake-Specific Scale: A Bayesian Hierarchical Model. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, DOI: 10.1007/s11270-017-3678-9.
- Liang ZY, Wu SF, Chen HL, Yu YH, Liu Y*. 2018. A probabilistic method to enhance understanding of nutrient limitation dynamics of phytoplankton. Ecological Modelling, 368: 404–410.
- Chen HL, Liang QH, Liu Y*, Xie SG. 2018. Hydraulic Correction Method (HCM) to Enhance the Efficiency of SRTM DEM in Flood Modeling. Journal of Hydrology, 559:56–70.
- Fan SR, Liu H, Zheng GM, Wang YL, Wang SR, Liu Y, Liu XQ, Wan Y*. 2018. Differences in phytoaccumulation of organic pollutants in freshwater submerged and emergent plants. Environmental Pollution, 241:247-253.
- Li BX, Chen JF, Wu Z, Wu SF, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2018. Seasonal and spatial dynamics of denitrification rate and denitrifier community in constructed wetland treating polluted river water. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 126: 143-151.
- Wang SR, LIu XQ*, Liu Y*, Wang HZ. 2018. Contrasting patterns of macroinvertebrates inshore vs. offshore in a plateau eutrophic lake: Implications for lake management. Limnologica,70:10–19.
- Chen HL, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Xie SG. 2018.Effects of Drought and Flood on Crop Production in China across 1949-2015: Spatial Heterogeneity Analysis with Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling. Natural Hazards, 92(1), 525-541.
- Li BX, Yang YY,Chen JF, Wu Z, Xie SG*, Liu Y. 2018. Nitrifying activity and ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in a constructed wetland treating polluted surface water. Science of the Total Environment, 628–629:310–318.
- 吴桢,吴思枫,刘永*,张雨宇,谢曙光,郭怀成.2018.湖泊氮磷循环的关键过程与定量识别方法.北京大学学报(自然科学版), 54(1): 218-228.
- 梁中耀,陈会丽,任婷玉,伊璇,朱翔,刘永* ,郭怀成. 2018.区域性湖泊营养盐基准的适用性研究. 环境科学学报,38(7):2545-2553.
- 吴思枫,梁中耀,刘永*.2018.富营养湖泊稳态转换的恢复时间及影响因素模拟研究.北京大学学报(自然科学版),54(5):1095-1102.
- Wu Z,Liu Y*, Liang ZY, Wu SF, Guo HC. 2017. Internal Cycling, not External Loading, Decides the Nutrient Limitation in Eutrophic Lake: A Dynamic Model with Temporal Bayesian Hierarchical Inference. Water Research, 116: 231-240.
- Chen HL, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Liang QH, Xie SG. 2017.Integrated Remote Sensing Imagery and Two-dimensional Hydraulic Modeling Approach for Impact Evaluation of Flood on Crop Yields. Journal of Hydrology,553: 262-275.
- Yang YY, Li BX, Xie SG*, Liu Y*.2017. Vertical profiles of sediment methanogenic potential and communities in two plateau freshwater lakes, Biogeosciences, 14(2): 341-351.
- Su H, Dong FF, Liu Y*, Zou R*, Guo HC. 2017. Robustness-Optimality Tradeoff for Watershed Load Reduction Decision Making under Deep Uncertainty. Water Resources Management , 31(11), 3627-3640.
- Wang Z*, Wei LY, Niu BB, Liu Y, Bin GS. 2017.Controlling embedded carbon emissions of sectors along the supply chains: A perspective of the power-of-pull approach. Applied Energy,206:544-1551.
- Fan SR,Wang BL,Liu H,Gao SX,Li T,Wang SR,Liu Y,Liu XQ,Wan Y*. 2017.Trophodynamics of Organic Pollutants in Pelagic and Benthic Food Webs of Lake Dianchi: Importance of Ingested Sediment As Uptake Route. Environmental Science & Technology,51 (24):14135-14143.
- Li BX, Chen HL, Li NN, Wu Z, Wen ZG, Xie SG*,Liu Y*.2017. Spatio-temporal shifts in the archaeal community of a constructed wetland treating river water. Science of the Total Environment, 605–606:269–275.
- Jiang QS,Su H,Liu Y*,Zou R,Ye R,Guo HC. 2017. Parameter Uncertainty-based Pattern Identification and Optimization for Robust Decision Making on Watershed Load Reduction. Journal of Hydrology, 547:708–717.
- Mao GZ, Chen L, Yang YY, Wu Z, Tong TL, Liu Y, Xie SG*. 2017. Vertical profiles of water and sediment denitrifiers in two plateau freshwater lakes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,101(8):3361-3370.
- Yang YY, Dai Y, Li NN, Li BX, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2017. Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Sediment Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) Bacteria in Freshwater Lakes. Microbial Ecology, 73(2):285-295.
- Liu XJ, Zhang MJ, Su H, Dong FF, Ji Y*, Liu Y. 2017. A Multi-Objective Chance-Constrained Programming Approach for Uncertainty-Based Optimal Nutrients Load Reduction at the Watershed Scale. Water , 9(5), 322; doi:10.3390/w9050322.
- 高伟,刘永*,和树庄.基于SD模型的流域分质水资源承载力预警研究.北京大学学报(自然科学版)(接受)
- 苏晗,邹锐,蒋青松,叶瑞,梁中耀,马文静,陈岩,刘永*.2017.流域负荷削减的主观深度不确定性分析及稳健决策.环境科学学报,37(7):2777-2785.
- 邹锐,苏晗,余艳,王俊松,叶瑞,刘永*.2017.基于水质目标的异龙湖流域精准治污决策研究.北京大学学报(自然科学版)(接受)
- 邹锐,吴桢,赵磊,陈异晖,余艳红,刘永*.2017. 湖泊营养盐通量平衡的三维数值模拟研究. 湖泊科学,29(4):10.18307/2017.040
- 张雨宇,梁中耀,陆文涛,刘永*,郭怀成.2017. 基于正态分布假设检验的湖泊营养盐浓度分级评价方法研究.环境科学学报,(接受)
- 梁中耀,张雨宇,钱松,刘永*,郭怀成.2017.基于二项分布检验法的水质达标评价方法研究.环境科学学报,37(1):339-346.
- 高伟,严长安,李金城,刘永*. 2017. 基于水量-水质耦合过程的流域水生态承载力优化方法与例证.环境科学学报,37(2):755-762.
- Dong FF, Liu Y*, Su H, Liang ZY, Zou R, Guo HC. 2016. Uncertainty-based Multi-objective Decision Making with Hierarchical Reliability Analysis under Water Resources and Environmental Constraints. Water Resouce Management, 30(2):805-822.
- Dai Y, Yang YY, Wu Z, Feng QY, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2016. Spatiotemporal variation of planktonic and sediment bacterial assemblages in two plateau freshwater lakes at different trophic status. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 100(9): 4161-4175.
- Zhang XL, Liu Y* , Guo HC. 2016. Cross-Lake Comparisons of Physical and Biological Settling of Phosphorus: A Phosphorus Budget Model with Bayesian Hierarchical Approach. Ecological Modelling, 337(10):231–240.
- Dai C, Tan Q, Lu WT, Liu Y, Guo HC*. 2016. Identification of optimal water transfer schemes for restoration of a eutrophic lake: An integrated simulation-optimization method. Ecological Engineering, 95: 409–421.
- Zhang XL(#), Zou R(#), Wang YL, Liu Y*, Zhao L, Zhu X, Guo HC. 2016. Is Water Age a Reliable Indicator for Evaluating Water Quality Effectiveness of Water Diversion Projects in Eutrophic Lakes?Journal of Hydrology , 542: 281-291.
- Yang PJ, Dong FF, Liu Y, Zou R*, Chen X, Guo HC. 2016. A refined risk explicit interval linear programming approach for optimal watershed load reduction with objective-constraint uncertainty tradeoff analysis. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 10(1):129-140.
- Yang YY, Zhang JX, Zhao Q, Zhou Q, Li NN, Wang YL, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2016. Sediment Ammonia-Oxidizing Microorganisms in Two Plateau Freshwater Lakes at Different Trophic States. Microbial Ecology, 71:257–265.
- Yang YY, Dai Y, Wu Z, Xie SG* and Liu Y*. 2016. Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Archaeal Communities in Two Freshwater Lakes at Different Trophic Status. Front. Microbiol. 7:451. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00451
- 张晓玲,刘永*,郭怀成. 2016.湖滨河口湿地中磷的输移转化机制及截留效应研究进展. 环境科学学报, 36(2): 373-386.
- 陈岩,高伟,王东,刘永,吴悦颖,郭怀成*.2016.缺水地区人类活动净氮输入与河流响应特征——以海河流域为例.环境科学学报,36(10):3600-606.
- 邹锐,苏晗,陈岩,叶瑞,赵磊,刘永*. 2016.流域污染负荷-水质响应的时空数值源解析方法研究. 中国环境科学,36 (12): 3639-3649
- 蒋青松,梁中耀,赵磊,李玉照,吴思枫,刘永*. 2016. 云南高原湖泊群的统计学聚类识别及水质响应模式研究.北京大学学报(自然科学版)(接受)
- 高伟,伊璇,刘永,郭怀成*.2016. 可持续性约束下开放流域系统氮磷环境承载力研究.环境科学学报,36(2):690-699.
- 冯秋园,吴桐,万祎,刘学勤,刘永*. 2016. 持久性有机污染物(POPs)在水生生态系统中的环境行为.北京大学学报(自然科学版)(接受)
- Zhou J, Liang ZY, Liu Y*, Guo HC,He D, Zhao L. 2015. Six-decade temporal change and seasonal decomposition of climate variables in Lake Dianchi Watershed (China): Stable trend or abrupt shift? Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 119:181–191.
- Dong FF, Liu Y*, Su H, Zou R, Guo HC. 2015. Reliability-Oriented MultiObjective Optimal Decision Making Approach for Uncertainty Based Watershed Load Reduction. Science of the Total Environment , 515-516:39-48.
- Gao W, Chen Y, Liu Y, Guo HC*. 2015.Scientometric analysis of phosphorus research in eutrophic lakes.Scientometrics, 102(3):1951-1964.
- Liu Y, Zhang JX, Zhao L, Li YZ, Dai Y, Xie SG*. 2015. Distribution of sediment ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in plateau freshwater lakes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99:4435–4444.
- Dai C, Cai YP, Liu Y, Wang WJ,Guo HC*. 2015.A Generalized Interval Fuzzy Chance-Constrained Programming Method for Domestic Wastewater Management Under Uncertainty – A Case Study of Kunming, China. Water Resources Management, 29(9):3015-3036.
- Dai Y,Wu Z, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2015. Methanotrophic community abundance and composition in plateau soils with different plant species and plantation ways.Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99:9237-9244.
- Zhang JX, Yang YY, Zhao L, Li YZ, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2015.Distribution of sediment bacterial and archaeal communities in plateau freshwater lakes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99:3291–3302.
- Zhou J, He D, Xie YF, Liu Y*, Guo HC, Yang YH, Sheng H, Zhao L, Zou R*. 2015. Integrated SWAT model and Statistical Downscaling for Estimating Streamflow Response to Climate Change in the Lake Dianchi Watershed, China.Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 29(4):1193-1210.
- Gao, W, Guo HC*, Liu Y. 2015. Impact of Calibration Objective on Hydrological Model Performance in Ungauged Watersheds. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 20(8): 04014086.
- Yang YY, Zhao Q, Cui YH, Wang YL, Xie SG*, Liu Y*. 2015. Spatio-temporal Variation of Sediment Methanotrophic Microorganisms in a Large Eutrophic Lake. Microbial Ecology, DOI:10.1007/s00248-015-0667-7.
- Liu H, Benoit G, Liu T*, Liu Y, Guo HC*. 2015.An integrated system dynamics model developed for managing lake water quality at the watershed scale.Journal of Environmental Management, 155: 11–23.
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- 李玉照,颜小品,吴桢,刘永*,郭怀成,赵磊,贺彬. 2015. 典型云南高原湖泊叶绿素a与影响因子的定量关系及对比分析.环境科学学报,35(2):402-410.
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- Liu Y, Zhang JX, Zhang XL, Xie SG*. 2014. Depth-related changes of sediment ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms in a high-altitude freshwater wetland. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98:5697–5707.
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- 梁中耀,刘永*,盛虎,杨永辉,郭怀成,赵磊. 2014. 滇池水质时间序列变化趋势识别及特征分析. 环境科学学报,34(3):754-762.
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- 范英英,刘永, 郭怀成. 2006. 北京市水资源供需平衡趋势预测及分析. 安全与环境学报,6(1): 116-120.
- 黄凯,刘永,郭怀成,王金凤. 2006. 小流域水环境规划方法框架及应用研究. 环境科学研究,19(5): 136-141.
- 毛国柱,刘永,郭怀成,吕晓剑,周丰. 2006. 湖泊富营养化控制技术综合集成方法框架. 环境工程,24(1): 65-68.
- 王金凤,刘永,郭怀成,王真. 2006. 新西兰保护区管理及其对中国的启示. 生态与农村环境学报,22 (1): 91-94.
- 周丰,刘永,郭怀成,王丽婧. 2006. 医疗废物安全处理技术优选方法. 环境科学, 27(6): 1252-1256.
- 郭怀成,王金凤,刘永,毛国柱. 2006. 城市水系功能治理方法及应用. 地理研究, 25(4): 596-605.
- 郁书霞,郭怀成,刘永. 2006. 区域土地利用规划的适宜性. 中国环境科学,26(2): 248-252.
- 郁亚娟,郭怀成,刘永,黄凯. 2006. 城市生态系统的动力学演化模型研究进展. 生态学报, 27(6): 2603-2614
- 郭怀成,毛国柱,郁亚娟,王真,刘永. 2006. 基于湖泊富营养化控制技术综合集成的管理信息系统框架研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报,14(4): 488-495.(EI)
- 郁亚娟,王真,郭怀成,黄凯,王树通,刘永. 2006. 基于人工神经网络的城市拓展可持续发展指数序列研究. 北京大学学报(自然科学版), 42(4): 496-502.
- 范英英,刘永,郭怀成,毛国柱. 2005. 基于景观生态学的湖区沟渠保护研究. 应用生态学报,16(3): 481-485.
- 范英英,刘永,郭怀成,王树通,姜玉梅. 2005. 北京市水资源政策对水资源承载力的影响研究,资源科学,27(5): 113-119.
- 王金凤,刘永,郭怀成. 2005. 城市水系生态景观规划设计研究. 城市环境与城市生态,18(6): 4-6.
- 周丰, 刘永, 郭怀成. 2005. 医疗废物焚烧处置过程中关键参数研究. 环境科学研究,18(3): 24-29.
- 王丽婧,郭怀成. 刘永. 戴永立. 王吉华. 2005. 邛海流域生态脆弱性及其评价研究. 生态学杂志,24 (10): 1192-1196.
- 吴为中,芮克俭,刘永. 2005. 大麦秆控藻研究进展. 生态环境,14(6): 972-975.
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- 王丽婧,郭怀成,王斌,刘永, 吕晓剑. 2005. 西藏阿里地区生态旅游开发研究.干旱区资源与环境, 19(2): 133-137.
- 王丽婧,郭怀成,王吉华,刘永. 2005. 基于IFMOP的流域环境-经济系统规划. 地理学报,60(2): 219-228.
- 郭怀成,刘永,戴永立. 2004.小型城市湖泊生态系统预警技术. 生态学杂志,23(4): 175-178.
- 王吉华,刘永,郭怀成,郝明家,张鸣. 2004. 基于不确定性多目标的规划环境影响评价研究. 环境科学学报,24(5): 922-929
- 戴永立,郭怀成,刘永. 2004. 我国北方地区城市水资源策略优化研究. 安全与环境学报,4(5): 44-47.
- 戴永立,郭怀成,刘永,郝明家,张鸣. 2004. 城市经济开发新区经济发展战略分析,中国环境科学,24(5): 627-631.
- 郭怀成,戴永立,王丹,刘永. 2004. 城市水资源政策实施效果的定量化评估. 地理研究,23(6): 745-752.
- 宋国君,谷一桢,刘永. 2002. 中央政府投资城市污水处理厂的理论和实证分析. 上海环境科学,21(11): 658-661.