413~15日,应刘永研究员邀请,美国密歇根大学水中心(Water Center)主任、Cooperative Institute for Limnology & Ecosystems Research(CILER)主任Allen Burton教授访问北京大学。期间,他访问了北京大学医学部、环境科学与工程学院、城市与环境学院,并做了2场讲座:Linking Water Exposures to Adverse Effects: Weight-of-Evidence Based Approaches Reduce Uncertainty in Ecological and Human Health Assessments以及Options for Assessing Ecosystem Quality in Human-Dominated Watersheds: Issues and Examples


Allen Burton
Professor, School of Natural Resources & Environment , Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of Michigan;
Director, Cooperative Institute for Limnology & Ecosystems Research (between NOAA and UM);
Director, the University of Michigan Water Center;
Editor-in-Chief,Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry
研究方向:Sediment and stormwater contaminants and understanding bioavailability processes, effects and ecological risk at multiple trophic levels, and ranking stressor importance in human dominated watersheds