201442~3美国Tetra Tech水资源研究中心Rui Zou博士来访,与郭怀成教授、刘永研究员及小组成员就水动力-水质模型、优化调控模型及“十二五”水专项课题的相关技术问题进行了细致和深入的讨论

Dr. Rui Zou is a principal engineer at the Water Resource Center of Tetra Tech, Inc, USA. His expertise and research experience focused on surface water hydrodynamic modeling, advanced water quality modeling, sediment transport and toxic fate and transport modeling, total maximum daily load (TMDL) development, environmental system optimization, watershed planning and management, uncertainty analysis, and risk assessment. After acquiring a Ph.D degree in 2002 from the University of Virginia, Dr. Rui Zou joined Tetra Tech, inc. as a senior modeling expert, and has been the team leader of the water quality modeling team since 2005. Dr. Rui Zou is the principal investigator of various modeling projects with multiple million dollars of research funding from U.S. federal and state agencies, and has involved in over 40 environmental engineering projects during the past decade. He has produced over 70 publications in peer-refereed professional journals and scientific conferences in his professional area, and served as a peer reviewer for a number of international journals on environmental engineering and management such as Water Resource Research, Journal of Environmental Engineering, Ecological Modeling, Journal of Water Resource Planning and Management, etc.