2014年3月12~13日,加拿大Memorial University of Newfoundland 陈冰(Chen Bing)教授访问北京大学,并做了题为“Optimization-aided Environmental Management and Water Pollution Control” 的讲座,刘永研究员主持讲座。陈冰教授介绍了optimization-aided environmental management (OEM)方法,并就Great Lakes农药污染、地下水污染及石油溢油污染为例,分别介绍了模型技术在环境规划管理机决策中的应用及成果。
讲座内容:Research and development of systematic modeling approaches for supporting environmental management and pollution control have gained growing interest from governments, industries, and academia in the past decades. This seminar will present a comprehensive review of the optimization-aided environmental management (OEM) approaches and their applications. Particularly integration of optimization methods and uncertainty analysis will be discussed in details. By incorporating stochastic probabilities, fuzzy memberships and intervals, uncertain information can be effectively handled when pursuing the optimum solution for a complex environmental system. Furthermore by coupling with environmental simulation (so called simulation-optimization coupling) and assessment, the dynamics and interactions can be reflected during decision making procedures, leading to more reliable and realistic decisions. A number of real-world cases in China and Canada will be presented covering the areas of watershed management, nonpoint source pollution control, petroleum-contaminated groundwater remediation and management, and offshore oil spill response decision support.
报告人简介:陈冰(Chen Bing),加拿大Memorial University of Newfoundland工程与应用科学学院副教授、环境系统工程与管理专业主任、加拿大国家创新基金北方可持续有机污染控制重点实验室(NRPOP Lab)主任。担任3个国际学术杂志副主编或编委及2个杂志特邀编辑,入选世界青年科学院。研究领域:海岸和近海污染防治、水与污水处理与系统优化、水资源与流域管理、水环境 质量模拟与控制、土壤与地下水修复、废弃物管理与循环经济、不确定性分析、环境影响评估与风险管理、气候变化与适应技术等。